Course for Certified Environmental Professional in Scrubber Operation (CePSO)

Course for Certified Environmental Professional in Scrubber Operation (CePSO)

One of the main air pollution control system widely used in the industries in Malaysia for the control of air pollutant is scrubber. The success operation of a Scrubber is primarily in the hands of the operator. A knowledgeable and skilled operator, supervisor or engineer know how to monitor the processes occurring in his scrubber, understand what factors affect the scrubber performance, know what operational conditions are best for his scrubber and how to maintain them, know how to respond to upset conditions, understand the social obligations and legal implications for non-compliance.

Successful operation of a scrubber is an integral part of the operation of a successful industry. A trained and skilled scrubber operator, supervisor or engineer is not anymore a luxury but rather a must-have to the industry. Good environmental performance not only portray positive corporate image, but avoid possibility of factory downtime and hefty monetary penalties due to legal actions from the environmental authority. EiMAS is providing a training program to train your scrubber operators, supervisors and engineers to be competent in operating scrubber particularly in conducting performance monitoring of the scrubber. The competent person will ensure that the scrubber is operating optimally. This unique training course which focuses on hands-on approach is in fact the only one of its kind in Malaysia.

Training & Consultancy | CePBFO, CePSO | Master Jaya Group
To ensure compliance to DOE environmental quality act & clean air regulation, you need competent person to supervise your scrubber! GET CERTIFIED THROUGH DOE EIMAS CERTIFICATION PROGRAMME!